Bergen Language Design Laboratory (BLDL)
BLDL has an internal meeting series. Some of these have a content which may be of interest to a larger audience. The program of these are announced here.
Contact Magne Haveraaen for more information.
Seminars 2012
Thursday, 2012-06-21 1415-1500, room 2144.
High-performance computing user surveys indicate that Fortran remains the dominant language for scientific computing. The language owes its past and current success in part to the existence of trusted codes, a feature set aimed at high performance, and rich mathematical intrinsics, including multi-dimentional array programming with automatic memory management. Unbeknownst to most outside the Fortran community and even many inside it, successive international standards have evolved Fortran into a modern language with explicit support for multiple programming paradigms, including functional, object-oriented, generic, and parallel programming. After a brief overview of Fortran’s support for each of the aforementioned programming paradigms, this talk will present case studies on the use of each paradigm in several open-source library and application development projects. The results demonstrate the expressiveness of modern Fortran for modeling high-level mathematical and physical concepts using distributed-memory, parallel data structures and algorithms without reliance on libraries external to the language.
Damian W.I. Rouson (Sandia National Laboratories): This is not your parents’ Fortran: Multi-paradigm programming in modern FortranTuesday, 2012-04-24 0915-1600, Conference room D.
Martin Knobloch (PervaSec): Full-day Hands-on Workshop on Security.Monday 2012-05-07 - Thursday 2012-05-10:
Domain engineering week with Dines Bjørner (Technical University of Denmark, DTU).- Monday 2012-05-07 1415-1600, room 3137: From Domains to Requirements
- Tuesday 2012-05-08 1015-1600, room 3137: A Mini Course in Domain Engineering
- Wednesday 2012-05-09 1415-1600, room 3137: A Role for Mereology in Computing Science
- Thursday 2012-05-10 1415-1515, room 2144: Domain Science & Engineering: A New Facet of Informatics
Domain engineering is providing the understanding of natural, technical and human phenomena in software related terms. Such a formulation may give genuine insight in the phenomena themselves, but also forms the basis for developing software product lines (SPL). SPL has been shown to significantly (up to a factor of 10) improve software quality and development efficiency, reducing the development cycle from months to weeks.
Dines Bjørner has been working at IBM (1960s & 70s), Technical University of Denmark (1976 onwards), was founding director of UNU-IIST (Macau CN, 1992-1997), and has had numerous guest lecture and research stays all over the world. He has been central in the development of VDM and Raise, and has worked on PL/1 and Ada semantics and tools. The last couple of decades his interest has switched to domain science and engineering.
Conference room D is in VilVite, Thormøhlensgt 51.
Room 2142 (lille auditorium) is in Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgt 55.
Room 2144 (stort auditorium) is in Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgt 55.
Room 3137 is in Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgt 55.