Bergen Language Design Laboratory (BLDL)

BLDL has an internal meeting series. Some of these have a content which may be of interest to a larger audience. The program of these are announced here.

Contact Magne Haveraaen for more information.

Seminars 2015

  • Tuesday 2015-09-29 1415-1500, Stort auditorium (2144), Høyteknologisenteret.

    Jaakko Järvi (Texas A&M; University, College Station, TX, USA)
    Better User Interfaces with less Code

    User interfaces are costly to develop, correctly behaving user interfaces more so. Programming UIs by writing handler functions for user events is known to lead to unstructured spaghetti code; asynchronously executed UI tasks compound the problem. The complexities of user interface programming manifest as low quality: as defects, missing features, inconsistent behavior, unhelpful or non-existent error messages, and unresponsiveness. This talk discusses a declarative approach to user interface programming where, in lieu of event handlers, the programmer specifies the dependencies among the data manipulated by a user interface as a hierarchical multi-way dataflow constraint system. Most of a user interface's behavior is derived from this specification—maintaining responsiveness, orchestrating the execution of asynchronous computations, enabling/disabling widgets, etc. require no application code. The approach shows promise for significantly reducing the cost of developing high-quality user interfaces. The talk demonstrates the benefits of the approach with small example UIs implemented using our "HotDrink" JavaScript library.

  • Friday 2015-06-19, 1015-1100, 2142 (lille auditorium)

    Livar Bergheim (UiB, Bergen, NO):
    Skaping av meirverdi gjennom opne data om kollektivtrafikk

    Livar Bergheim presenterar si masteroppgåve i programvareutvikling der fokuset har vore data om kollektivtrafikk (rutedata, sanntidsinformasjon m.m.) og korleis det å gjere data ope tilgjengeleg kan føre til meirverdi. Oppgåva er skriven i samarbeid med Skyss.

  • Thursday 2015-06-18, 1015-1400 2142 (lille auditorium)

    • K. Rustan M. Leino (Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA):
      Making program verification work

      Sometimes, the potential cost of software defects is high enough to motivate good engineering groups to do what is possible to avoid defects. Formal program verification can achieve a high degree of correctness assurance, but can serious software engineers really use it? In this talk, I describe a number of issues that arise in the design of a usable program verifier. This includes programming language design, encodings for logical reasoning systems, caching and visual feedback in the integrated development environment, and ways for users to understand and address failing attempts of the program verifier. I will demo the Dafny system for writing correct programs and proofs.

    • Lunch break

    • Magne Haveraaen (BLDL, UiB, Bergen, NO)
      Programming by concepts

    • Eva Burrows (BLDL, UiB, Bergen, NO)
      Programming models

    • Anya Bagge (BLDL, UiB, Bergen, NO)
      The Magnolia integrated development environment (IDE)

  • Wednesday 2015-06-17, 2142 (lille auditorium)
    • 1215-1300

      Livar Bergheim (UiB, Bergen, NO):
      REST og moderne vevtenester

      Presentasjon av spesialpensum om web API som føl REST-stilen, skilnaden på REST-stilen og SOAP og karakteristikkar for desse.

    • 1315-1400

      Livar Bergheim (UiB, Bergen, NO):
      REAL info

      Presentasjon av appen REAL info som Livar Bergheim har vore med å utvikle for MatNat-fakultet, delvis som eit INF319-prosjekt.

  • Wednesday 2016-06-03: High Integrity Systems Symposium (HISS 2015), Oslo

    HISS 2015 – High Integrity Systems Symposium – Oslo 2015-06-03

  • Monday 2015-06-01 1130-1600 room E507 (Høgskolen i Bergen, Kronstad)

    Informal workshop on ICT and health

    • Harold Thimbleby (Swansea University, UK):
      The best way to improve healthcare is to improve programmers

      Preventable error in hospitals kills many more people than are killed on the roads. Everybody worries about car safety and developing (and using!) safety devices like air bags. Unfortunately we don't think the same way in healthcare. A lot of reasons conspire to make hospital software-based systems (patient records, infusion pumps, medical apps, etc) very unsafe. We will present some eye-opening examples, and then look for points of leverage. That we need to improve the quality of programming will be made embarrassingly obvious in this lecture. However, how to get the beleaguered healthcare system to demand improved quality is another problem.

    • Wendy McCaull (St. Francis Xavier University, CA)

    • Magne Haveraaen (University of Bergen, NO)
      Security from above and below

    • Yngve Lamo (Bergen University College, NO)

    • Magnus Alvestad (Helse Bergen, NO)

    • Tine Nordgreen (Helse Bergen, NO; Institutt for klinisk psykologi, University of Bergen, NO)

    • Discussion of the RCN IKTPLUSS lighthouse call on ICT and Health.

    The workshop was preceded by a guided tour of the training ward at Bergen University College.

  • Thursday 2015-05-07 1015-1200, room 4138 (Høyteknologisenteret)

    Ketil Stølen (SINTEF, Oslo, NO):
    What does it mean for a UML specification to fulfill another UML specification?

    In order to work with UML we need to know what it actually means to fulfill a UML specification. In this talk I will describe such a satisfaction relation. Although the approach has a formal underpinning, the relation is described at the conceptual level of UML in a precise but non-mathematical manner. Following this talk does not require background in formal methods or logic.

  • Thursday 2015-05-07 1415-1500, Stort auditorium (2144), Høyteknologisenteret.

    Ketil Stølen (SINTEF, Oslo, NO):
    Cyberspace, Cybersecurity and Cyber-risk – What is new and what are the real challenges?

    These days the Research Council of Norway, Horizon 2020 and government bodies in general make heavy use of buzzwords prefixed by "cyber". Unfortunately, the same bodies are very unclear wrt what these terms actually mean as well as their practical implications. This talk represents an attempt to sort out this mess. I will characterize to what extent cybersecurity and cyber-risk represents something new and identify what I see as the real research challenges in this context.

  • Wednesday 2015-04-29 1015-1200, room 4138 (Høyteknologisenteret)

    Alessandro Rossini (SINTEF, Oslo, NO):
    Model-Driven Engineering Meets Cloud Computing

    Model-driven engineering (MDE) aims at improving the productivity, quality, and cost-effectiveness of software development by shifting the paradigm from code to model-centric, whereby models and modelling languages are the main artefacts of the development process. Cloud computing provides a ubiquitous networked access to a shared and virtualised pool of computing capabilities (e.g., network, storage, processing, and memory) that can be provisioned with minimal management effort. MDE has been applied in the field of cloud computing, where models and modelling languages enable developers and reasoning engines to work at a high level of abstraction and focus on cloud concerns rather than implementation details. In his talk, Alessandro Rossini will present how the Broker@Cloud and PaaSage EU-funded projects adopted model-driven engineering to achieve the (semi-)automatic provisioning, deployment, and adaptation of cloud-based applications with guaranteed quality of service.

VilVite auditorium is in VilVite, Thormøhlensgt 51.
Conference room D is in VilVite, Thormøhlensgt 51.
Room 2142 (lille auditorium) is in Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgt 55.
Room 2144 (stort auditorium) is in Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgt 55.
Room 3137 is in Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgt 55.
Room 4138 is in Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgt 55.


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